
A friend once said when some media outlet reviews your art you will become famous. I assumed that he meant my art was good but lately it seems people just need someone else to tell them that a certain art work is good or worthy of attention. Take the little Christmas Tree Ornament I made this year for my yearly collection. Without my studio I just used some computer graphics and a little creativity to come up with a colorful statement to return and rebuild New Orleans after the storm. It ended up in the newspaper and I sold a few hundred. Generally I like to paint a New Orleans landmark and add it to the yearly Christmas Ornament collection. A way of introducing people to my paintings using a nice ceramic gift item. I always felt the more people saw my paintings the more I would become a recognized artist. Recognition is my goal, fame may be too dangerous. None of my paintings on ornaments ever got as much recognition as that little ornament after the storm, but because of it I have more people looking at my art. Even sold a few of those, I assume to people who do not need their art validated by a newspaper article. So take some time and look at my art and see if it merits your recognition?
Fig Street Studio
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